Weightlifting exercise that can help increase your muscular mass at your glutes

We’ve got to tip you off to one weightlifting exercise that isn’t as well known as the bench press.

That’s right—the deadlift, or as you’ve surely heard it called, the "man-lift", or if you are a woman the "woman lift". The deadlift is an excellent exercise for the legs, in particular, as it targets the posterior muscles of the calf, hamstring, and quadriceps.

man lifting barbell

You can find countless articles about how to deadlift correctly, but for our purposes today, we want to focus on a few deadlifting variations that can help you shape the butt you’ve always wanted. One of the important parts of your routine is something called "active rest" after each set of an exercise, and this is really more important than it sounds.


Active rest is what helps your body cool down; you need to remove all of the energy being used in an exercise - which, remember, is a lot - by cooling it off, otherwise if you don't have somewhere for all that energy to go, it's going to be stored in your muscles.

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As for the exercises, we are taking an active rest now and will post it some other time...