The purpose of core workouts is to increase your core stabilizing strength

Core activities like push-ups, sit-ups, pull-ups, crunches, and other core-intensive exercises build your core muscles.

When you work your core muscles in a traditional circuit workout, you will start your first set with a low number, and then progress in sets of 5, 10, 15, and eventually 20 for the exercise. Each time you finish a set, you will start all over again with a higher number, in order to continue the circuit and ensure that the weights are increasing over the course of the workout.

man lifting kettlebell

In order to build a strong and stable core, you need to exercise a high intensity for the entire duration of the exercise. This means that you have to pump up the weights as fast as possible. You can increase the intensity of your exercises by adding a weight-vest or bar to help you reach higher numbers. For example, if you were doing push-ups with a weight-vest, you could start at 20 and then go up to 30, then 40, and ultimately 50 pounds.

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You continue this pattern of adding weight until you are able to perform a set with 60 pounds on the bar. Once you have mastered the exercises, you can use the method of progression for core exercises that is discussed in the next article where we also talk about doing cardio with a training jump rope.