How to make relax your neck and make your head feel lighter

After a few days your head will feel lighter at the back of your neck and shoulders.

Place the backs of your head against the wall with your neck elongated. This is important to do after you have lengthened your neck and head so that you can hold the full weight of your head on your neck. Hold your head in this position for a count of 5- to-8. Lie back in your bed and roll in a gentle S curve. Your head is resting on the mattress so now your spine is lengthening even further. Remember to keep your back straight. Rest 2 minutes. Repeat steps 3-5. Do these steps daily until your neck is no longer stiff or in pain.

natural neck position

After 1 week, gently lift your head and neck up and down. Rest 30 seconds after bending and holding your head still while letting your head go up and down 3 to 5 times. After 1 week, gently stretch your neck muscles. Sit tall in your chair and place your left hand on your head, behind your neck, as you raise your head and look down. Your other hand comes up behind your shoulder and under your elbow. As you look down, gradually hold your head still while gently arching your neck forward.

🙏🏾 🗽 🦈

While still looking down, bend over at your waist as far as you can and see how far forward you can go. Then come back to your upright sitting position. Continue until your neck reaches the extent that you can comfortably reach while still having your head in a natural position.